Monday, June 23, 2008

This is a picture of Madison at her Peanut commissioning. She had a great time and made many new friends. Last night was Early Boot Camp commissioning. 6 teams left to start their projects overseas. It was a perfect night and an awesome service! Please remember those teams in your prayers--especially Kayla Graves who is going to Malawi. Also remember my friend, Amanda Evans, who has graduated from our Bible, Missionary and Work Training School in Florida and left last night to do her one year internship in Malawi. Amanda and I worked together in the finance department and she is very special to us. She has overcome great obstacles in her life and is eager to start work at one of our Matron Units in Malawi. Also remember the Houten family who left last night with their team to Belize. They will remain in Belize for a year after the team leaves to coordinate our base there. They have three children---Thad, Maddie and Gwen. May God bless them with health, safety and a boldness to share the Gospel!


Anonymous said...

so...i was wanting to talk to vicki...and i don't know how to get ahold of if you could email me at then i could yeah...

Anonymous said...

Kayla and Amanda were both mine for the summer! We had an amazing time!! Kayla grew by leaps and bounds, and my goodness if that shy thing Amanda didn't actually take on preaching at church one Sunday! True story...I was there! :-) Hope your summer in Samoa was a blessing and a success in many ways. Thanks for encouraging all the extra prayers for my team and team members. We felt them, that's for certain!
