Friday, February 27, 2009

Latest News from Our Newsletter

What an exciting time here! New summer team registrations come in daily and we are busy making preparations to make this the best summer yet! Overseas Boot Camps are going on at this time and amazing stories are being told of how God is working in the lives of people around the world. It's also an awesome time to live in Florida...warm days around 75-80 degrees, NO HUMIDITY, very few mosquitoes and citrus fruit literally dropping from the trees. Does it sound good? Well then, come on down and see for yourself! We'd love to have you come visit and volunteer some time at Teen Missions!

We enjoyed at wonderful Christmas and New Year's in Ohio. It was such a blessing to visit with family and friends and enjoy time together. The highlight of our time in Ohio was the “thank-you” spaghetti dinner that we hosted for all of our supporters. It was a wonderful time of fellowship! …..... We are so grateful for everyone that came and hope that many more will come next year! Yes, we hope to make this an annual event—we are already working on a menu!

It seems like it is always a busy time for us. We keep thinking that things will slow down, but it never happens! Canaan has kept us busy lately. He joined the wrestling team and we have been going to his meets. It's so nice to see him participate in sports again. I always enjoy watching the kids play. He had a slight setback when he first joined the team. The first day of practice, he had a seizure, but it didn't stop him! He was determined to be a part of the team and went right back to practice the next day. He even won his first match....his first win ever! It was amazing to watch. He has also been busy with high school and college classes. He has completed his first semester as a high school sophomore and a college freshman. He likes to tease Taylor that he will graduate college before she does! (She doesn't seem to find that funny.)

Madison just finished science fair and enjoyed being a real “scientist”. She loves to learn and is doing well in school. She also loves to be a helper to anyone in need. Her teacher told us that she is a real blessing (but we already knew that!) She is starting Upward Basketball this year at church. She is also part of the Children's Choir.

Zoe is loving preschool! She has a wonderful teacher and enjoys her classmates. She is in the Preschool Choir at church. She seems to grow taller everyday! Madison and Zoe enjoy playing with the other kids on Heavenly Street. They are outside every afternoon looking for new adventures together.

It has been so nice to have Taylor with us over the holidays. It sure is strange not having her laughter in the house. We are able to talk to her on the phone often and we sometimes “video chat” so she and her younger sisters can “catch up.” She is doing great in college and has been elected to a leadership position in her class. She is slowly adjusting to winter again and loves everything about Asbury College. God has been so good to provide the opportunity for her to go there.

I (Vikki) have started teaching the four-year olds at Sunday School. They are such a blessing and always make me smile. It's been good to be teaching again. I have missed it. I have had the opportunity to teach classes at “First Step”, a week long seminar for potential new staff members at Teen Missions. I really enjoy getting to know each of them and sharing what God has done in our lives.

Shannon has been VERY busy. On Sept. 26, Shannon left for Ohio with the BMW ( Florida Free Bible, Missionary and Work Training School) students to work on a church in Dayton, Ohio .  Their original plan was to be gone for two weeks.  Two weeks turned into one month!  There was so much work to be done.  Due to extensive water damage, the entire basement had to be refinished including ceilings, wallls and floors.   It was hard work, but very rewarding.  Several people in the neighborhood stopped in to see the progress and said how much they needed a church in the neighborhood again.  One lady across the street who shared her bathroom with the students brought pizza for everyone the last night they were there.  Our prayer is that the church will be re-opened and be a "lighthouse" in that community.  Recently, he has been packing supplies for the adult teams to take overseas. He really enjoys preparing for the adult teams and helping to “send them” overseas.

We are leading the teen team to Nicaragua now! We are very excited about this opportunity! Our project will be to complete the second story on a church building that was started by the Teen Missions team last year. We are working on learning some Spanish before we go so that communication will be easier.

Canaan has had to switch teams, also. His first choice was to go on the Orphan Angels Team to Zambia, however, his neurologist has not cleared him to get his driver's license. Therefore, he has decided to go on the Papua team. His team will build the first building for the new Bible, Missionary and Work Training Center on the Island of New Guinea. He is very excited for the summer to get here!

Shannon has been having quite a bit of back pain since he injured his back last summer. He had an MRI and found that he has four ruptured discs in his lower back. He will be going for a series of cortizone injections to help with the pain. Please pray for a complete healing of his back and for relief from the pain.

In closing, I thought I would share a testimony from one of our BMW students in Siberia. This testimony was particularly touching since Canaan spent his summer their preparing the building to start the BMW.

Rail Nabiullinâ'ss testimony, a student at the new BMW in Siberia: I was born on March 10, 1985. My parents are from a Muslim background. When I was 7 or 8 years old, people came to distribute Christian literature. I was so glad to get a gift from those people with kind eyes. I brought booklets back home and shared my joy with my mom, but she took them away from me, threw them away and beat me. I still remember her words: "You are Muslim! Our God is different!" I could not understand her reaction, and I had so many questions. Who is this God?

My parents were heavy drinkers and argued very often. Then they got divorced. My father did not beat me, but was just indifferent to my life and me. My mother got married again, and was afraid of her second husband. She would feed me in secret, because he would not let her feed me. My stepfather practiced witchcraft. He would be in a “trance” for 4 or more days. He terrified the whole family. After one of his trances he took his life. I started trying to practice black magic, following my stepfather's example. Our lives were becoming worse and worse. My mother was drinking even heavier than before. I wanted to be set free but I did not know how.

One day, my cousin shared with me the good news about Jesus. After that he would remind me of Him often. In 2003 I invited Him into my heart as my Lord and Savior. But after a while I started to backslide, and started to drink and smoke again. But when I turned away from Jesus, He was faithful and never left or forsaken me. In due time I was drawn back to church, to Jesus! He has forgiven all my sins and given me eternal life. He gave me peace and joy that I have never experienced before. Joining BMW Training Center in Siberia has changed me. I want to learn how to serve God and glorify His name through my life. John 6:44.

We want to express our deepest appreciation and gratitude for each one of you. Your prayers, encouragement, cards and financial support are overwhelming. We feel so unworthy of our calling, but so blessed to be called (if that makes any sense). We love you all and pray for you! Thank you so much for making our ministry possible.

In Christ,
The Bobb Family