Thursday, May 31, 2007


Today in chapel, we heard a couple of songs that were recorded in Zambia. A family went to Zambia over Christmas and recorded some songs written and sung by orphans. They are producing a CD to sell to raise money for AIDS Orphans. It was so touching to hear the orphans sing. Their voices are beautiful. Naturally, I cried! :) Shannon found this you tube clip of some children in Zambia singing. Be sure to click on the link and listen. I guarantee it will bring a smile to your face and a prayer to your lips---
We saw some current photos of the rescue unit that Shannon went to last year and were shocked to see that the school is in terrible shape. The mud walls have crumbled and all that is left is the support posts. These kids need our prayers and our support. They have nothing. Their facilitators need prayer, also. They care for these kids day in and day out. They are parents, doctor, gardener, teacher, friend and hope to these kids. Pray that the Lord will refresh them daily and give them contentment and compassion. You can sponsor one of these orphans and help them for only $12 a month. This will provide medicine, grain, school fees and much more. It's a small price to pay to help a child. Just follow this link.....
Make a difference in one child!

Friday, May 18, 2007

The Power of Prayer

Well...just one week to go until the "Boot Camp" mode kicks in. Things are starting to take shape around TMI. It's getting exciting and scarry at the same time (it's becoming a familiar feeling in our lives!) I am praying daily that God will equip me to be a good leader. I am praying for WISDOM, mercy, compassion, love and discernment. I really want to impact these pre-teens and help them develop a personal relationship with Jesus. We had a day of prayer Wednesday. This was really cool. The entire staff of TMI met for chapel at 8:00 a.m. and then we had a time of testimonies and praise. Then we had a time of prayer where people shared requests and we prayed for each request individually. Then, we went out to our team tent sites and prayed for Boot Camp and for our team members individually. I am so amazed at how much time is spent in prayer here! Prayer is definitely the foundation of the ministry. It was such an encouraging day. Hearing how God is at work in individual lives is always a blessing. I feel so privileged to be able to serve God here. God is definitely blessing our lives. GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME!!!!! Remember us in prayer that we honor the Lord in everything we do!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007




WE ARE HERE!!! We made it to Florida with no problems at all! We are all settled in and have begun work at Teen Missions. Shannon is working in the International Operations Department. He helps to manage the Aids Orphans and Street Children Ministry, the Overseas Boot Camps and the Old Testament Tabernacle. He is enjoying his work. I am working in the Finance Department and I am enjoying learning the ministry of Teen Missions. We are also working hard to prepare for The Lord's Boot Camp that starts in less than a month. We expect about 850 team members this summer. We are so excited to finally be doing what God has called us to do. God is so faithful and has completely met our needs. His presence is so real in our lives and we are so thankful for His guiding Hand in our lives. Please remember to pray for us as we look for a church and for the kids as they try to make friends. I thought I would share a picture of Zoe helping to unload the moving truck.