Friday, May 18, 2007

The Power of Prayer

Well...just one week to go until the "Boot Camp" mode kicks in. Things are starting to take shape around TMI. It's getting exciting and scarry at the same time (it's becoming a familiar feeling in our lives!) I am praying daily that God will equip me to be a good leader. I am praying for WISDOM, mercy, compassion, love and discernment. I really want to impact these pre-teens and help them develop a personal relationship with Jesus. We had a day of prayer Wednesday. This was really cool. The entire staff of TMI met for chapel at 8:00 a.m. and then we had a time of testimonies and praise. Then we had a time of prayer where people shared requests and we prayed for each request individually. Then, we went out to our team tent sites and prayed for Boot Camp and for our team members individually. I am so amazed at how much time is spent in prayer here! Prayer is definitely the foundation of the ministry. It was such an encouraging day. Hearing how God is at work in individual lives is always a blessing. I feel so privileged to be able to serve God here. God is definitely blessing our lives. GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME!!!!! Remember us in prayer that we honor the Lord in everything we do!


Cassidy Dawn said...

i love love love that picture!

Chuck & Anita Whitmire said...

Thanks for the update, we love hearing from you. You will be great leaders, just be yourselves and your team members will love you.
Chuck & Anita Whitmire

Sandy Reid said...

Thanks for the reminder that prayer is the foundation of God's ministry. In His Grip........Sandy