Thursday, October 23, 2008

Shannon's latest project

I know some people have been curious to know what Shannon has been doing in Ohio for the last month. The following pictures are before/after shots of the church in Dayton they have been working on. These are basement rooms. Hopefully, he will get to start home today, but last night when I talked to him they had found several more leaks in the plumbing.

One cool story that came out of this trip is about a lady who lives across the street from the church. The students knocked on her door the first day they arrived and asked to use her bathroom since there was no water at the church and all of the bathrooms had been ripped out for repairs. When the students left for Indiana, she prayed that they would return. When they did, she was so excited that she bought pizza for all of them for dinner! What a witness this work has been in that very rough neighborhood in Dayton. Please pray that those seeds can take root and grow and that this church can become a "lighthouse" in that community!

Also, pray for Shannon and Mike's safety as they travel home...HOPEFULLY today!

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