Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Back to School

Taylor, Canaan and Madison started school yesterday here in Florida. It really hit me hard...kind of brought a stark reality to our move. I have spent a lot of time in prayer for my kids and their schools and teachers. It's hard to put them in a school where you know no one but I know that they are in God's hands. They all had a pretty good day and liked their classes for the most part. It's hard to believe that I have SENIOR this year. I hope I don't cry every day of her senior year, but I know I probably will! LOL

Things are quiet around TMI now. The last debrief group left today. It is strange to see the place so deserted. But even though the teens are gone, the work goes on...and I sat at my desk and watched all of the work going on outside. There is hardly any down time around here. Soon, we will be mailing the brochures and receiving registrations for next year's teams. I can't wait to see where God takes us next!!!

Today, we received two thank you notes that really blessed us. One was from Lee, one of our team members thanking us for leading him to Iceland and to Jesus! What an awesome privilege! The other was from the parents of a team member thanking TMI. Their son was saved during boot camp and was on our team. They are amazed at the scripture he quotes and the change in his life. This is the same boy that at struggled at first to learn his memory verses and was so frustrated. He said he could see no use in learning all those verses. We kept encouraging Him, helping him and reassuring Him that He would use those verses every day! It was so awesome to watch each of these kids grow in the Lord this summer and acquire and thirst for God's word. God is so good!!! Everyone says that we gave up so much to come here and it is such a difficult decision, but if they only knew how blessed we are, they would all be here! It is truly a privilege and I feel so unworthy. But it is amazing that God can use me in spite of myself. I keep reminding myself that He is made perfect in my WEAKNESS. I could never give the Lord enough to repay Him for His love for me!


Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Back from Iceland!

This picture was taken on Commissioning Night--the last night my family was all together before heading out to different parts of the World! We arrived home from Iceland last Friday. It was an amazing summer! Boot Camp was awesome and Iceland was so beautiful. We had some great kids on our team and they all worked hard. We saw four of our team members accept Christ for the first time this summer, one team member has committed to starting a Bible Club in her school and another feels called to be a missionary. The Lord taught me so much this summer and I feel so privileged to be able to serve Him at Teen Missions.

Taylor arrived in Orlando tonight and it was so good to see her andHUG her. I missed my kids so much this summer. Canaan will be home on Friday and I can't wait to hear his stories. They both have had amazing summers, also. I have posted some pictures from Iceland in our online photo album (the link is at the bottom of the page). Just click on the "Public Albums" tab and you will see the Iceland album. It was so beautiful and I did not do well capturing the beauty. I wish my talented niece could have come along to document the summer in pictures. She has such a gift for capturing life in photos. I have enjoyed looking at her pictures from Chelsea and Matt's wedding. It must have been such a beautiful day. It was so hard to miss it but I prayed for them as I flew over the Atlantic headed to Iceland.

It is so good to be home!